SOAR will take your organization to a whole new level of excellence and achievement. We have developed fun team programs in which the challenges spur growth and a sense of camaraderie. Give your team the opportunity of self-discovery and will understand the investment you are making in them by providing this opportunity.
Striving to be the best is about going beyond conventional thinking. This orienteering challenge empowers groups to work together to navigate throughout the resort and immediate area to a number of strategically placed checkpoints. Teams will have to work together in order to create and implement solutions while building relationships and having FUN!
Maximum Number of Participants: 200
This themed event is for the "not so serious" athletes who are interested in a fun, spirited, team building competition. Our program is modified to suit any environment and can be designed with a focus on sporting activities or games.
Maximum Number of Participants: 80
SOAR customizes this event to reflect the communicated needs of each client SOAR facilitators deliver organized challenges designed to highlight the development of skills that client are seeking. All challenges are framed metaphorically to help participants relate in a manner that is current and relevant to their corporate situation.
Maximum Number of Participants: 50
Team Synergy is an excellent means of helping teams understand the fundamentals of team work. The team is tasked with the challenge of constructing an item from the materials provided in a team package. Teams work cooperatively to negotiate for, or purchase items they may need to complete their build. The completed build will be judged aesthetics, marketability, functionality and overall team participation.
Maximum Number of Participants: 200
Don't see a program that peaks your interest? SOAR can work directly with you to custom design programs that draw the connections between experiential learning programs and your company's strategic priorities, mission, vision and values. Our action learning approach engages people from the world of business, education and human services in a powerful, hands-on approach to training, thereby giving each member of your team the skill sets required to move your organization to the next level.
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